Thursday, February 19, 2009

Word Cells: Unit 14

phon/ics (n) the science which deals with spoken language or speech sounds
micro/phone (n) an instrument used in increasing or sending small sounds; literally, that by which small sounds are amplified; (v) to transmit by microphone
phono/graph (n) instrument which reproduces music, speech, sounds, etc.
sym/phony (n) a harmony of sounds, either vocal or instrumental, or both; as, a musical symphony

POLY many; much (Gr-R)
poly/gamy (n) the practice or custom of having a plurality of mates at the same time; compare monogamy
poly/gon (n) a plane geometric figure containing many angles, usually more than four; as, a pentagon, hexagon, etc., are polygons
poly/hedron (n) a solid geometric figure bounded by plane surfaces or seats; as, a pentahedron, hexahedron, etc., are polyhedrons
Poly/nesia (n) a chain of South Pacific islands; listerally, the many islands; compare Micronesia (the small islands), and Melanesia (the islands of the dark-skinned people)

PORT to carry; door or gate; harbor or haven (L-R)
port/able (a) capable of being carried; as, a portable radio, table, etc. (n) anything that can be moved easily from place to place
port/er (n) one who carries; as, a porter carried our luggage; one who tends door;s as, the porter opened our apartment house door
sea/port (n) a port, harbor, or town, used by seagoing vessels

POST- after in time, place, position, etc. (L-Pr)
post/hum/ous/ly (adv) taking place after one's death; literally, taking place after one has been buried; as, the soldier was awarded the medal, posthumously
post/pone (v) to put off until some later time; as, to postpone a ballgame
post/script (n) a note added to a finished letter, book, etc. (P.S.)

PRE- before in time, place, position, etc. (L-Pr)
pre/dict (v) to foretell or tell beforehead; as, to predict the future
pre/histor/ic (a) having to do with the period before written history began; as, prehistoric man, drawings, tools, etc.
pre/monit/ion (n) a warning or notice; as, a premonition of success, failure, disaster, etc.
pre/scribe (v) literally, to write down beforehand; as, to prescribe medicine, laws, rules, etc.