Thursday, February 19, 2009
TRA-, TRAN-, TRANS- across; beyond; through (L-Pr)
tra/vers/able (a) capable of being traversed or crossed; as, a traversable river
tran/scribe (v) to make one copy or many copies of in writing; as, to transcribe a letter, notes, etc.
trans/luc/ent (a) allowing some light through without permitting any objects beyond to be seen clearly; coompare transparent and opaque
TRI, TRIO three; three times (Gr-L-R)
tri/angle (n) a plane geometric figure of three sides and three angles
tri/dent (n) a three-pronged spear, as the one carried by Neptune, the mythical god of the sea; (a) having three prongs or teeth; as do some forks
tri/lateral (a) of or pertaining to three-sidedness; being three-sided; as, a trilateral agreement, conversation, etc.; (n) a figure having three sides; a triangle
tri/lingu/al (a) of or pertaining to three languages; using three languages; as, Switzerland is a trilingual country (German, Italian, French)
tri/logy (n) a group of three stories, plays, etc.
tri/plet (n) a combination or collection of three of a kind; one of three children born at about the same time, and to the same mother
Tri/poli (n) No. African city resulting from teh unification of three cities
tri/pod (n) a three-legged stand or support, as for a camera, a surveyor's measuring instrument, etc.
trio (n) a group of three persons or things; in music, a composition for three voices or pieces
trillion (n) the number named by a unit with twelve zeros after it; 1000 billions; 1,000,000,000,000
UN, UNI one; single (L-R)
un/anim/ous (a) agreement by all concerned; being of one mind; as, a unanimous decision, vote, etc.
uni/corn (n) a fabulous animal having a single horn in the middle of its forehead; compare bicorn
uni/lingu/al (a) of or pertaining to one language; using one language; as, the United States is a unilingual country, English being our national language
uni/ped (n) a living thing that has only one foot or leg
uni/pod (n) a one-legged support; as, a portable stool upon which to rest
VICE- in place of; a substitute (L-Pr)
vice/roy (n) the governor of a kingdom or country, who rules in the name of the king, as the king's substitute
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SUB- under; below; in place of
sub/dean (n) an assistant or substitute dean
sub/ject (v) to put under the control of; as, to subject one to a minor role; (n) one who is under the control of someone else; as, the king and his many subjects; a topic; as, a subject for discussion
sub/merge (v) to plunge something under water; as, teh submarine submerged, then emerged one hundred kilometers away
sub/urb (n) a town or village on or near a city's border; as, the Village or Valley Stream is a suburb of New York City
SUPER- on; above; over; more than (L-Pr)
super/natur/al (a) pertaining to that which is beyond or outside of the physical laws of nature; as, ghosts and other supernatural creatures; (n) that which is beyond or outside of the physical laws of nature; as, belief in the supernatural
super/son/ic (a) showing a speed above that of the speed of sound in air (738 miles per hour at sea level); ultrasonic; (n) a supersonic wave or frequency
super/struct/ure (n) anything built on top of some other structure; as, a ship's superstructure consists of anything built above the main deck
SYM-, SYN- at the same time; together; like (Gr-Pr)
sym/metry (n) correspondence in shape, size, and position of parts that are on opposite sides of each other; as, the symmmetry that exists with regard to the human body, an automobile, a chair, etc.
syn/thetic (a) resulting through artificial emans; not genuine; as, synthetic rubbers, drugs, fabrics, etc.; (n) anythiing artificially made
TELE far; far off; from afar (Gr-R)
tele/gram (n) a message sent to a distance by means of a telegraph
tele/phone (n) an instrument which makes it possible to speak to and hear from someone afar; (v) to communicate by means of a telephone; as, to telephone the grocer and order some produce
tele/vis/ion (n) a device that makes it possible to see a picture that is coming from afar
THERM, THERMO, THERMY warm; hot; heat (Gr-R)
therm/al (a) of or pertaining to heat; warm; as, thermal boots, waters, etc.
thermo/meter (n) an instrument for measuring temperature; compare centigrade and Fahrenheit thermometers
thermo/stat (n) an automatic device for setting and regulating temperature
dia/thermy (n) the generation of heat in living tissue by electric currents
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SEMI- half (L-Pr)
semi/annu/al (a) taking place twice a year, or every six months; biannual
semi/circ/le (n) the half of a circle; 180 degrees; compare quadrant, sextant, and octant
semi/preci/ous (a) naming gems which are not ranked with those of the highest value; as, garnets, jade, etc., are semiprecious stones
SEPT, SEPTEM, SEPTI, SEPTU seven, a seventh part; seven times (L-R)
sept/ang/ular (a) having seven angles or corners, as does a heptagon
Septem/ber (n) the ninth month of the Gregorian calendar (Pope Gregory), and the seventh month of the Julian calendar (Julius Caesar)
septi/lateral (a) having seven sides, or being seven-sided, as is a heptagon
septillion (n) the number named by a unit with twenty-four zeros after it; 1000 sextillions; 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
SEX, SEXT, SEXTU six; a sixth part; six times (L-R)
sex/ang/ular (a) having sex angles or corners, as does a hexagon
sext/ant (n) a sixth part; the sixth of a circle; an instrument used for measuring angular distances
sextillion (n) the number named by a unit with twenty-one zeros after it; 1000 quintillions; 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
SON sound (L-R)
son/ic (a) of or pertaining to sound waves; as, sonic booms, waves, etc.
sub/son/ic (a) showing a speed below that of the speed of sound in air (738 miles per hour at sea level); opposite of supersonic or ultrasonic
tran/son/ic (a) showing a speed of approximately that of sound in air (738 miles per hour at sea level); it is at this speed that the phenomena called a sonic boom takes place
SPIR, SPIRE, PIR, PIRE to breathe; breath (L-R)
re/spir/ation (n) the act or process of breathing again
con/spire (v) to plot or unite against; literally, to breathe together as in some cause; as, to conspire to overthrow a dictatorship
in/spire (v) to breathe into or upon; as, to inspire others through example
per/spire (v) to breathe out through the pores of the skin; to sweat
tran/spire (v) to become known; as, what was discussed during their talk, never transpired; to perspire; as, sweat transpires through pores
ex/pir/ation (n) the act of breathing out; the last breath; the end of; death; as, the expiration of a contract, a license, a friend, etc.
ex/pire (v) to breathe out; to come to an end; to die; as, the license expired last week; or, he expired last month
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QUADR, QUADRI, QUADRU, QUART four; a fourth part; four times (L-R)
quadr/ant (n) a fourth part; the quarter of a circle; compare sextant and octant
quadr/ennial (a) lasting for four years; as, a quadrennial term in office; taking place one time in four years; as, the Olympics, the presidential election, or leap year; (n) anything that takes place every four years; as, the birthday celebration of one born on the 29th of February
quadri/cycle (n) a four-wheeled vehicle which is propelled by the feet
quadru/ped (n) a four-footed animal, as is a horse; compare biped; (a) being four-footed
quart (n) a measure of volume or capacity; the fourth part of a gallon; 2 pint
quart/et (n) a musical composition for four voices or instruemtns; a group of four; quartette
quadrillion (n) the number named by a unit with fifteen zeros after it; 1--- trillions; 1,000,000,000,000,000
QUINQU, QUINQUE, QUINT, QUINTU five; a fifth part; five times (L-R)
quinqu/ang/ular (a) having five angles or corners, as does a pentagon
quint/et (n) a musical composition for five voices or instruments; a group of five; as, a basketball quintet; quintette
quintu/plet (n) a combination or collection of five of a kind; one of five children born at about the same time, and to the same mother
quintillion (n) the number named by a unit with eighteen zeros after it; 1000 quadrillions; 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
RE- again or back (L-Pr)
re/duce (v) to bring to a former state or condition; as, to reduce taxes
re/in/carn/ation (n) a belief that one/s spirit after death, enters into a new body
re/nov/ate (v) to make new or like new; as, to renovate an old auditorium
re/vive (v) to 'bring life back' to something; as, to revive an unconscious person, an old play, a faultering business, etc.
RUPT to break; to burst (L-R)
ab/rupt (a) very steep; as, a abrupt decline; done quickly ; as, an abrupt movment; done seemingly rude; as, he gave an abrupt talk
cor/rupt (v) to change from good to bad; as, it is illegal to corrupt the morals of a minor; (a) changed from good to bad; as, the newly formed government was very corrupt
inter/rupt (v) to break into or between; as, it would be quite improper to interrupt while someone was being eulogized
rupt/ure (n) a breaking apart; as, the rupture in the pipe caused flooding; (v) to break apart; as, to rupture a blood vessel, a pipe, etc.
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phon/ics (n) the science which deals with spoken language or speech sounds
micro/phone (n) an instrument used in increasing or sending small sounds; literally, that by which small sounds are amplified; (v) to transmit by microphone
phono/graph (n) instrument which reproduces music, speech, sounds, etc.
sym/phony (n) a harmony of sounds, either vocal or instrumental, or both; as, a musical symphony
POLY many; much (Gr-R)
poly/gamy (n) the practice or custom of having a plurality of mates at the same time; compare monogamy
poly/gon (n) a plane geometric figure containing many angles, usually more than four; as, a pentagon, hexagon, etc., are polygons
poly/hedron (n) a solid geometric figure bounded by plane surfaces or seats; as, a pentahedron, hexahedron, etc., are polyhedrons
Poly/nesia (n) a chain of South Pacific islands; listerally, the many islands; compare Micronesia (the small islands), and Melanesia (the islands of the dark-skinned people)
PORT to carry; door or gate; harbor or haven (L-R)
port/able (a) capable of being carried; as, a portable radio, table, etc. (n) anything that can be moved easily from place to place
port/er (n) one who carries; as, a porter carried our luggage; one who tends door;s as, the porter opened our apartment house door
sea/port (n) a port, harbor, or town, used by seagoing vessels
POST- after in time, place, position, etc. (L-Pr)
post/hum/ous/ly (adv) taking place after one's death; literally, taking place after one has been buried; as, the soldier was awarded the medal, posthumously
post/pone (v) to put off until some later time; as, to postpone a ballgame
post/script (n) a note added to a finished letter, book, etc. (P.S.)
PRE- before in time, place, position, etc. (L-Pr)
pre/dict (v) to foretell or tell beforehead; as, to predict the future
pre/histor/ic (a) having to do with the period before written history began; as, prehistoric man, drawings, tools, etc.
pre/monit/ion (n) a warning or notice; as, a premonition of success, failure, disaster, etc.
pre/scribe (v) literally, to write down beforehand; as, to prescribe medicine, laws, rules, etc.
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PED, PEDE, PEDESTRI, PEDI, PEDO, POD, PUS foot; feet; -footed (Gr-L-R)
ped/al (a) of or pertaining to a foot or feet; as, a pedal injury; (n) a lever which is worked on by the foot or feet; as, a bicycle pedal; (v) to work a pedal; as, to pedal a bicycle
centi/pede (n) a small worm-like animal having numerous pairs of legs, but definitely not one hundred
pedestri/an (n) one who journeys on foot; as, traffic lights protect pedestrians; (a) walking or going on foot; as, pedestrian trips
pedi/cure (n) care and treatment of the feet of corns and other ailments; (v) to care and treat the foot; compare manicure
pedo/meter (n) an instrument that records the distance a walker covers
pod/iatrist (n) one who treats and studies disorders of the feet
platy/pus (n) a small aquatic animal of Australia, so-called because of its broad-webbed feet
PENT, PENTA five (Gr-R)
pent/athlon (n) an athletic contest in which the contestant must take part in five different events; compare decathlon
penta/gon (n) a plane geometric figure of five sides and five angles
Penta/gon (n) the five-sided headquarters building of the United States Department of Defense, located in Washington, D.C.
PERI- around; about; near; encircling (Gr-Pr)
peri/gee (n) the point in an earth satellite's orbit when it is at its shortest distance from teh earth's center; compare apogee
peri/scope (n) an instrument permitting those in a submarine to look about the surface
PHIL, PHILE, PHILIA, PHILO to love; loving; fondness (Gr-R)
phil/anthrop/ist (n) one who involves himself in helping his fellow man
biblio/phile (n) one who loves and collects books
hemo/philia (n) a physical condition in which there is uncontrollable bleeding
philo/sopher (n) literally, one who is a lover of knowledge and wisdom
PHOBE, PHOBIA abnormal fear, hatred, or dislike (Gr-R)
Anglo/phobe (n) one who displays a hatred for the English people and their customs; compare Anglophile
claustro/phobia (n) an abnormal fear of being confined in a small place
pyro/phobia (n) an abnormal fear of fire
zoo/phobia (n) an abnormal fear of animals
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nona/gon (n) a plane geometric figure of nine sides and nine angles
nov/ennial (a) taking place every nine years
Novem/ber (n) the eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar (Pope Gregory), and the ninth month of the Julian calendar (Julius Caesar)
nonillion (n) the number named by a unit with thirty zerios after it; 1000 octillions; 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
OCT, OCTA, OCTO eight; an eighth part (Gr-L-R)
oct/ant (n) an eighth part; the eighth of a circle; compare quadrant and sextant
octa/gon (n) a plane geometric figure of eight sides and eight angles
octa/hedron (n) a solid geometric figure bounded by eight surfaces or seats
Octo/ber (n) the tenth month of the Gregorian calendar (Pope Gregory), and the eighth month of the Julian calendar (Julius Caesar)
octo/pus (n) an eight-armed fish; a devilfish
octillion (n) the number named by a unit with twenty-seven zeros after it; 1000 septillions; 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
ONYM, ONYMOUS word; name (Gr-R)
pseud/onym (n) a fictious name; a pen-name; as, Mark Twain was the pseudonym of Samuel Clemens
syn/onym (n) a word having the same meaning as another; as, talk and speak
syn/onymous (a) a word that is alike in meaning to another; as, hapiness is synonymous with laughter
PAN all; every (Gr-R)
pan/acea (n) a remedy or cure for all diseases or ills; as, the collection of word-cells in this study is not being presented as a panacea
Pan/American (a) anything involving North, Central, and South America; as, Pan/American games, treaties, conflicts, etc.
pan/orama (n) a complete view in every direction; as, teh panorama of the city was incredible
pan/theism (n) the worship of all gods; the Pantheon in Rome was dedicated specifically for such a purpose
PASS, PATH, PATHY suffering; feeling (Gr-R)
com/pass/ion (n) pity for suffering, coupled with a desire to help; as, he demonstrated much compassion when he saw his troubeld friend
path/etic (a) cauing or arousing pity; as, a pathetic scene, story, etc.
psycho/path (n) one who is not responsible for his actions because of a mental infirmity; as, the homicide was the work of a psychopath
sym/pathy (n) the ability to share another's feelings; compassion; as, to offer one's sympathy in tiime of another's loss
tele/pathy (n) the passing of one person's thoughts to another without any known form of communication; as, mental telepathy
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MICR, MCRO small; a millionth (Gr-R)
micr/ohm (n) one-millionth of an ohm
micro/bio/logy (n) the science or study of very minute life called, microbes
micro/cosm (n) a little or small world; opposite of macrocosm
micro/meter (n) an instrument used for measuring very minute distances
MILL, MILLI, MILE a thousand; a thousanth part (L-OE-R)
mill/ennium (n) a period of one thousand years; as, almost two millenniums have elapsed since the birth of Christ
milli/gram (n) a metric measure of weight equal to one-thousandth of a gram
milli/liter (n) a metric measure of volume equal to one-thousandth of a liter
milli/meter (n) a measure of length equal to one-thousandth of a meter; 0.03937 of an inch
mile (n) a measure of distance equal to 5280 feet, or 1760 yards; it originally corresponded to a measurement of one thousand places
milli/on (n) the number named by a unit with six zeros after it; one thousand taken one thousand times; 1,000,000; (a) consisting of a thousand thousand; as, a million dollars
MON, MONO one; single; alone (Gr-R)
mon/arch (n) sole ruler of a kingdom or empire; as, a king or queen
mon/ocle (n) an eyeglass suited for one eye
mono/plane (n) a single-winged airplane; compare biplane and triplane
mono/poly (n) full control of a product by an individual or individuals; literally, one controlling many or much; as, the Italian government enjoys a monopoly of its salt and tobacco industries
MORT, MORTU to die; death (L-R)
mort/al (a) capable of dying; not possessing eternal life; as, man is a mortal being; or, he received a mortal wound; (n) a being, subject to death; as, we poor mortals have no choice
mortu/ary (n) a burial place, or temporary place for the dead; (a) relative to the burial of the dead; as, mortuary vestments, chapels, etc.
MULT, MULTI many, much; more than (L-R)
mult/ocul/ar (a) having two or more eyes
multi/lateral (a) of or pertaining to many sides; being many-sided; as, a multilateral agreement, conversation, geometric figure, etc.
multi/ped (a) having many feet; being many-footed; (n) an insect that has many feet
multi/tude (n) the state of being numerous; a crowd; as, a multitude of problems, students, stars, etc.
Labels: Word Cells
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
LOGICAL, LOGIST, LOGUE, LOGY, LOGQUY a science or study of; a speech; a collection of (Gr-L-R)
zoo/logical (a) of or pertaining to zoology, the science which studies and explains facts about animals
entomo/logist (n) one who is well versed in entomology, the science which studies and explains facts about insects
mono/logue (n) a long speech by one person; a play given by one person
antho/logy (n) a collection of beautiful poems or passages from authors
anthropo/logy (n) the science of man, his origin, customs, development, etc.
archeo/logy (n) scientific study of history from the remains of ancient things
eco/logy (n) a branch of science which treats of the relatinoship between organisms and their environmnts.
etymo/logy (n) the science which treats of the derivation of words
eu/logy (n) written or oral praise of a person; as, a graveside eulogy
soli/loquy (n) a speech by an individual to himself; a monologue; as, the soliloquies in Macbeth
MAN, MANI, MANU the hand; the hands (L-R)
man/age (v) to control or regulate; literally, to handle; as, the tourist managed to abstain from eating too many biscotti and zwieback
mani/cure (v) to care or treat the hands and nails; (n) the care and treatment of the hands and nails; one who is involved in such work
manu/al (n) a small book which can be carried in the hand; as, a child's manual; (a) relating to the hand or hands; as, manual dexterity
MEDI in the middle; relating to the middle
inter/medi/ate (a) lying or being in the middle; as, an intermediate grade; (n) one who acts as an intermediator or go-betwen; (v) to act as a go-between; to intervene
medi/ator (n) one who stands between parties at variance
METER, METRY a measure; a measurement; that by which a thing is measured; the science of measurement; 39.37 inches (L-R)
anemo/meter (n) an instrument used in measuring wind speed
baro/meter (n) an instrument used in measuring atmospheric pressure or weight
peri/meter (n) in geometry, the distance around a plane figure
trigono/metry (n) a branch of mathematics that treats of the study of triangles
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IL-, IM-, IN-, IR-, NEG-, NON-, UN- not; without
il/leg/ible (a) incapable of being read; as, an illegible manuscript
im/mort/al (a) not mortal; exempt from death; as, an immortal soul; (n) one who is exempt from death; as, the mythical gods; a person with lasting fame; as, an immortal of football
in/cred/ible (a) not capable of being believed; as, an incredible autobiography
ir/rat/ion/al (a) not rational; not capable of thinking logically; as, the centenarian was prone to irrational behavior
neg/lect (v) to ignore or pay little attention to; as to neglect on'es health; (n) the act of neglecting something; as, the lavatory was in a constant state of neglect
non/sens/ical (a) absurd; foolish; without sense; as, a nonsensical novel
un/real (a) lacking in reality; as, the feats of the astronauts seem unreal
INTER- between (L-Pr)
inter/sect (v) to cut into or between; as, the three lines will ultimately intersect at point B
inter/state (a) taking place between different states; as, interstate commerce
inter/vene (v) to come in between; as, the United Nations intervened in the dispute so as to avert fighting on a larger scale
INTRA-, INTRO- inside or within (L-Pr)
intra/mur/al (a) taking place within the same walls; as, intramural sports
intra/state (a) taking place within the same state; as, intrastate laws
intro/spect (v) to look within or into; to examine one's own mind
JECT to throw; to cast
e/ject (v) to throw out; to remove; as, to eject a rowdy customer
in/ject (v) to throw or drive something into something else; as, to inject a fluid, an idea, etc.
pro/ject (v) to shoot or throw something forward; as, to project a picture on a screen; (n) something brought forward for the purpose of viewing; as, a class project
re/ject (v) to throw back; to refuse to accept; as, most people reject the opinions put forth by astrologists; (n) something that has been refused to be accepted; as, a factory reject
KILO a thousand; characterized by a thousand (Gr-R)
kilo/gram (n) a metric measure of weight equal to one thousand grams
kilo/liter (n) a metric measure of volume containing one thousand liters
kilo/meter (n) a measure of length equal to one thousand meters' approximately five-eighths of a mile
kilo/ton (n) a unit of weight equivalent to one thousand tons or 2,000,000 pounds; an explosive force equal to one thousand tons of TNT
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HOM, HOMO one and the same; like (Gr-R)
hom/onym (n) a word having the same sound as another, but different in meaning; as, red and read, right and write, etc.
homo/gen/ize (v) to reduce to small particles of the same size or kind; as, to break up the small globules of milk into very fine particles by forcing them through very small openings
HOMI, HOMO man (L-R)
homi/cide (n) the killing of one human being by another; as, the police established that it was a case of homicide and not suicide; a person who kills another
Homo sapiens (L) of, relating to, or being recent man; wise; intelligent; as distinguished from the various fossil men
HYDR, HYDRO water (Gr-R)
hydr/ant (n) a pipe at which water may be drawn; as, a fire hydrant
hydro/logy (n) the science of water, its laws, properties, and phenomena
hydro/meter (n) an instrument used in determing the specific gravity (weight) of liquids when compared to the weight of water
hydro/phobia (n) a disease brought on by the bite of a rabid(mad) animal, which makes the victim afraid of liquids and unable to swallow them
HYPER- more than usual; above or over
hyper/act/ive (a) overactive; as, the doctor tranquilized the hyperactivec child
hyper/tens/ion (n) overly tense; as, extreme fear usually leads to hypertension
HYPO- less tha nusual; below or under (Gr-Pr)
hypo/act/ive (a) underactive; sluggish
hypo/derm/ic (a) of or pertaining to the tissues immediately below the surface of the skin; as, a hypodermic needle; (n) a hypodermic injection
IL-, IM-, IN-, IR- in; into; within
il/lumin/ate (v) to bring light into; to light up; as, to illuminate a room
im/port (v) to bring in from another place or country; as, to import goods; (n) that which is imported or brought into; as, the United States is involved with many imports each year
in/spect (v) to look into; to examine; as, to inspect food, prices, living conditions, etc.
ir/radi/ate (v) to brighten; to give off rays; as, the floodlights irradiated the sky; (a) made clear or bright; as, the warrior raised his irradiate shield above his head