Thursday, February 19, 2009

Word Cells: Unit 11

MICR, MCRO small; a millionth (Gr-R)
micr/ohm (n) one-millionth of an ohm
micro/bio/logy (n) the science or study of very minute life called, microbes
micro/cosm (n) a little or small world; opposite of macrocosm
micro/meter (n) an instrument used for measuring very minute distances

MILL, MILLI, MILE a thousand; a thousanth part (L-OE-R)
mill/ennium (n) a period of one thousand years; as, almost two millenniums have elapsed since the birth of Christ
milli/gram (n) a metric measure of weight equal to one-thousandth of a gram
milli/liter (n) a metric measure of volume equal to one-thousandth of a liter
milli/meter (n) a measure of length equal to one-thousandth of a meter; 0.03937 of an inch
mile (n) a measure of distance equal to 5280 feet, or 1760 yards; it originally corresponded to a measurement of one thousand places
milli/on (n) the number named by a unit with six zeros after it; one thousand taken one thousand times; 1,000,000; (a) consisting of a thousand thousand; as, a million dollars

MON, MONO one; single; alone (Gr-R)
mon/arch (n) sole ruler of a kingdom or empire; as, a king or queen
mon/ocle (n) an eyeglass suited for one eye
mono/plane (n) a single-winged airplane; compare biplane and triplane
mono/poly (n) full control of a product by an individual or individuals; literally, one controlling many or much; as, the Italian government enjoys a monopoly of its salt and tobacco industries

MORT, MORTU to die; death (L-R)
mort/al (a) capable of dying; not possessing eternal life; as, man is a mortal being; or, he received a mortal wound; (n) a being, subject to death; as, we poor mortals have no choice
mortu/ary (n) a burial place, or temporary place for the dead; (a) relative to the burial of the dead; as, mortuary vestments, chapels, etc.

MULT, MULTI many, much; more than (L-R)
mult/ocul/ar (a) having two or more eyes
multi/lateral (a) of or pertaining to many sides; being many-sided; as, a multilateral agreement, conversation, geometric figure, etc.
multi/ped (a) having many feet; being many-footed; (n) an insect that has many feet
multi/tude (n) the state of being numerous; a crowd; as, a multitude of problems, students, stars, etc.