Thursday, February 19, 2009
QUADR, QUADRI, QUADRU, QUART four; a fourth part; four times (L-R)
quadr/ant (n) a fourth part; the quarter of a circle; compare sextant and octant
quadr/ennial (a) lasting for four years; as, a quadrennial term in office; taking place one time in four years; as, the Olympics, the presidential election, or leap year; (n) anything that takes place every four years; as, the birthday celebration of one born on the 29th of February
quadri/cycle (n) a four-wheeled vehicle which is propelled by the feet
quadru/ped (n) a four-footed animal, as is a horse; compare biped; (a) being four-footed
quart (n) a measure of volume or capacity; the fourth part of a gallon; 2 pint
quart/et (n) a musical composition for four voices or instruemtns; a group of four; quartette
quadrillion (n) the number named by a unit with fifteen zeros after it; 1--- trillions; 1,000,000,000,000,000
QUINQU, QUINQUE, QUINT, QUINTU five; a fifth part; five times (L-R)
quinqu/ang/ular (a) having five angles or corners, as does a pentagon
quint/et (n) a musical composition for five voices or instruments; a group of five; as, a basketball quintet; quintette
quintu/plet (n) a combination or collection of five of a kind; one of five children born at about the same time, and to the same mother
quintillion (n) the number named by a unit with eighteen zeros after it; 1000 quadrillions; 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
RE- again or back (L-Pr)
re/duce (v) to bring to a former state or condition; as, to reduce taxes
re/in/carn/ation (n) a belief that one/s spirit after death, enters into a new body
re/nov/ate (v) to make new or like new; as, to renovate an old auditorium
re/vive (v) to 'bring life back' to something; as, to revive an unconscious person, an old play, a faultering business, etc.
RUPT to break; to burst (L-R)
ab/rupt (a) very steep; as, a abrupt decline; done quickly ; as, an abrupt movment; done seemingly rude; as, he gave an abrupt talk
cor/rupt (v) to change from good to bad; as, it is illegal to corrupt the morals of a minor; (a) changed from good to bad; as, the newly formed government was very corrupt
inter/rupt (v) to break into or between; as, it would be quite improper to interrupt while someone was being eulogized
rupt/ure (n) a breaking apart; as, the rupture in the pipe caused flooding; (v) to break apart; as, to rupture a blood vessel, a pipe, etc.
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