Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Word Cells: Unit 10

LOGICAL, LOGIST, LOGUE, LOGY, LOGQUY a science or study of; a speech; a collection of (Gr-L-R)
zoo/logical (a) of or pertaining to zoology, the science which studies and explains facts about animals
entomo/logist (n) one who is well versed in entomology, the science which studies and explains facts about insects
mono/logue (n) a long speech by one person; a play given by one person
antho/logy (n) a collection of beautiful poems or passages from authors
anthropo/logy (n) the science of man, his origin, customs, development, etc.
archeo/logy (n) scientific study of history from the remains of ancient things
eco/logy (n) a branch of science which treats of the relatinoship between organisms and their environmnts.
etymo/logy (n) the science which treats of the derivation of words
eu/logy (n) written or oral praise of a person; as, a graveside eulogy
soli/loquy (n) a speech by an individual to himself; a monologue; as, the soliloquies in Macbeth

MAN, MANI, MANU the hand; the hands (L-R)
man/age (v) to control or regulate; literally, to handle; as, the tourist managed to abstain from eating too many biscotti and zwieback
mani/cure (v) to care or treat the hands and nails; (n) the care and treatment of the hands and nails; one who is involved in such work
manu/al (n) a small book which can be carried in the hand; as, a child's manual; (a) relating to the hand or hands; as, manual dexterity

MEDI in the middle; relating to the middle
inter/medi/ate (a) lying or being in the middle; as, an intermediate grade; (n) one who acts as an intermediator or go-betwen; (v) to act as a go-between; to intervene
medi/ator (n) one who stands between parties at variance

METER, METRY a measure; a measurement; that by which a thing is measured; the science of measurement; 39.37 inches (L-R)
anemo/meter (n) an instrument used in measuring wind speed
baro/meter (n) an instrument used in measuring atmospheric pressure or weight
peri/meter (n) in geometry, the distance around a plane figure
trigono/metry (n) a branch of mathematics that treats of the study of triangles