Thursday, February 19, 2009
SUB- under; below; in place of
sub/dean (n) an assistant or substitute dean
sub/ject (v) to put under the control of; as, to subject one to a minor role; (n) one who is under the control of someone else; as, the king and his many subjects; a topic; as, a subject for discussion
sub/merge (v) to plunge something under water; as, teh submarine submerged, then emerged one hundred kilometers away
sub/urb (n) a town or village on or near a city's border; as, the Village or Valley Stream is a suburb of New York City
SUPER- on; above; over; more than (L-Pr)
super/natur/al (a) pertaining to that which is beyond or outside of the physical laws of nature; as, ghosts and other supernatural creatures; (n) that which is beyond or outside of the physical laws of nature; as, belief in the supernatural
super/son/ic (a) showing a speed above that of the speed of sound in air (738 miles per hour at sea level); ultrasonic; (n) a supersonic wave or frequency
super/struct/ure (n) anything built on top of some other structure; as, a ship's superstructure consists of anything built above the main deck
SYM-, SYN- at the same time; together; like (Gr-Pr)
sym/metry (n) correspondence in shape, size, and position of parts that are on opposite sides of each other; as, the symmmetry that exists with regard to the human body, an automobile, a chair, etc.
syn/thetic (a) resulting through artificial emans; not genuine; as, synthetic rubbers, drugs, fabrics, etc.; (n) anythiing artificially made
TELE far; far off; from afar (Gr-R)
tele/gram (n) a message sent to a distance by means of a telegraph
tele/phone (n) an instrument which makes it possible to speak to and hear from someone afar; (v) to communicate by means of a telephone; as, to telephone the grocer and order some produce
tele/vis/ion (n) a device that makes it possible to see a picture that is coming from afar
THERM, THERMO, THERMY warm; hot; heat (Gr-R)
therm/al (a) of or pertaining to heat; warm; as, thermal boots, waters, etc.
thermo/meter (n) an instrument for measuring temperature; compare centigrade and Fahrenheit thermometers
thermo/stat (n) an automatic device for setting and regulating temperature
dia/thermy (n) the generation of heat in living tissue by electric currents
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