Thursday, February 19, 2009

Word Cells: Unit 12

nona/gon (n) a plane geometric figure of nine sides and nine angles
nov/ennial (a) taking place every nine years
Novem/ber (n) the eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar (Pope Gregory), and the ninth month of the Julian calendar (Julius Caesar)
nonillion (n) the number named by a unit with thirty zerios after it; 1000 octillions; 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

OCT, OCTA, OCTO eight; an eighth part (Gr-L-R)
oct/ant (n) an eighth part; the eighth of a circle; compare quadrant and sextant
octa/gon (n) a plane geometric figure of eight sides and eight angles
octa/hedron (n) a solid geometric figure bounded by eight surfaces or seats
Octo/ber (n) the tenth month of the Gregorian calendar (Pope Gregory), and the eighth month of the Julian calendar (Julius Caesar)
octo/pus (n) an eight-armed fish; a devilfish
octillion (n) the number named by a unit with twenty-seven zeros after it; 1000 septillions; 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

ONYM, ONYMOUS word; name (Gr-R)
pseud/onym (n) a fictious name; a pen-name; as, Mark Twain was the pseudonym of Samuel Clemens
syn/onym (n) a word having the same meaning as another; as, talk and speak
syn/onymous (a) a word that is alike in meaning to another; as, hapiness is synonymous with laughter

PAN all; every (Gr-R)
pan/acea (n) a remedy or cure for all diseases or ills; as, the collection of word-cells in this study is not being presented as a panacea
Pan/American (a) anything involving North, Central, and South America; as, Pan/American games, treaties, conflicts, etc.
pan/orama (n) a complete view in every direction; as, teh panorama of the city was incredible
pan/theism (n) the worship of all gods; the Pantheon in Rome was dedicated specifically for such a purpose

PASS, PATH, PATHY suffering; feeling (Gr-R)
com/pass/ion (n) pity for suffering, coupled with a desire to help; as, he demonstrated much compassion when he saw his troubeld friend
path/etic (a) cauing or arousing pity; as, a pathetic scene, story, etc.
psycho/path (n) one who is not responsible for his actions because of a mental infirmity; as, the homicide was the work of a psychopath
sym/pathy (n) the ability to share another's feelings; compassion; as, to offer one's sympathy in tiime of another's loss
tele/pathy (n) the passing of one person's thoughts to another without any known form of communication; as, mental telepathy