Thursday, February 19, 2009

Word Cells: Unit 13

PED, PEDE, PEDESTRI, PEDI, PEDO, POD, PUS foot; feet; -footed (Gr-L-R)
ped/al (a) of or pertaining to a foot or feet; as, a pedal injury; (n) a lever which is worked on by the foot or feet; as, a bicycle pedal; (v) to work a pedal; as, to pedal a bicycle
centi/pede (n) a small worm-like animal having numerous pairs of legs, but definitely not one hundred
pedestri/an (n) one who journeys on foot; as, traffic lights protect pedestrians; (a) walking or going on foot; as, pedestrian trips
pedi/cure (n) care and treatment of the feet of corns and other ailments; (v) to care and treat the foot; compare manicure
pedo/meter (n) an instrument that records the distance a walker covers
pod/iatrist (n) one who treats and studies disorders of the feet
platy/pus (n) a small aquatic animal of Australia, so-called because of its broad-webbed feet

PENT, PENTA five (Gr-R)
pent/athlon (n) an athletic contest in which the contestant must take part in five different events; compare decathlon
penta/gon (n) a plane geometric figure of five sides and five angles
Penta/gon (n) the five-sided headquarters building of the United States Department of Defense, located in Washington, D.C.

PERI- around; about; near; encircling (Gr-Pr)
peri/gee (n) the point in an earth satellite's orbit when it is at its shortest distance from teh earth's center; compare apogee
peri/scope (n) an instrument permitting those in a submarine to look about the surface

PHIL, PHILE, PHILIA, PHILO to love; loving; fondness (Gr-R)
phil/anthrop/ist (n) one who involves himself in helping his fellow man
biblio/phile (n) one who loves and collects books
hemo/philia (n) a physical condition in which there is uncontrollable bleeding
philo/sopher (n) literally, one who is a lover of knowledge and wisdom

PHOBE, PHOBIA abnormal fear, hatred, or dislike (Gr-R)
Anglo/phobe (n) one who displays a hatred for the English people and their customs; compare Anglophile
claustro/phobia (n) an abnormal fear of being confined in a small place
pyro/phobia (n) an abnormal fear of fire
zoo/phobia (n) an abnormal fear of animals