Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Word Cells: Unit 8

HOM, HOMO one and the same; like (Gr-R)
hom/onym (n) a word having the same sound as another, but different in meaning; as, red and read, right and write, etc.
homo/gen/ize (v) to reduce to small particles of the same size or kind; as, to break up the small globules of milk into very fine particles by forcing them through very small openings

HOMI, HOMO man (L-R)
homi/cide (n) the killing of one human being by another; as, the police established that it was a case of homicide and not suicide; a person who kills another
Homo sapiens (L) of, relating to, or being recent man; wise; intelligent; as distinguished from the various fossil men

HYDR, HYDRO water (Gr-R)
hydr/ant (n) a pipe at which water may be drawn; as, a fire hydrant
hydro/logy (n) the science of water, its laws, properties, and phenomena
hydro/meter (n) an instrument used in determing the specific gravity (weight) of liquids when compared to the weight of water
hydro/phobia (n) a disease brought on by the bite of a rabid(mad) animal, which makes the victim afraid of liquids and unable to swallow them

HYPER- more than usual; above or over
hyper/act/ive (a) overactive; as, the doctor tranquilized the hyperactivec child
hyper/tens/ion (n) overly tense; as, extreme fear usually leads to hypertension

HYPO- less tha nusual; below or under (Gr-Pr)
hypo/act/ive (a) underactive; sluggish
hypo/derm/ic (a) of or pertaining to the tissues immediately below the surface of the skin; as, a hypodermic needle; (n) a hypodermic injection

IL-, IM-, IN-, IR- in; into; within
il/lumin/ate (v) to bring light into; to light up; as, to illuminate a room
im/port (v) to bring in from another place or country; as, to import goods; (n) that which is imported or brought into; as, the United States is involved with many imports each year
in/spect (v) to look into; to examine; as, to inspect food, prices, living conditions, etc.
ir/radi/ate (v) to brighten; to give off rays; as, the floodlights irradiated the sky; (a) made clear or bright; as, the warrior raised his irradiate shield above his head