Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Word Cells: Unit 9

IL-, IM-, IN-, IR-, NEG-, NON-, UN- not; without
il/leg/ible (a) incapable of being read; as, an illegible manuscript
im/mort/al (a) not mortal; exempt from death; as, an immortal soul; (n) one who is exempt from death; as, the mythical gods; a person with lasting fame; as, an immortal of football
in/cred/ible (a) not capable of being believed; as, an incredible autobiography
ir/rat/ion/al (a) not rational; not capable of thinking logically; as, the centenarian was prone to irrational behavior
neg/lect (v) to ignore or pay little attention to; as to neglect on'es health; (n) the act of neglecting something; as, the lavatory was in a constant state of neglect
non/sens/ical (a) absurd; foolish; without sense; as, a nonsensical novel
un/real (a) lacking in reality; as, the feats of the astronauts seem unreal

INTER- between (L-Pr)
inter/sect (v) to cut into or between; as, the three lines will ultimately intersect at point B
inter/state (a) taking place between different states; as, interstate commerce
inter/vene (v) to come in between; as, the United Nations intervened in the dispute so as to avert fighting on a larger scale

INTRA-, INTRO- inside or within (L-Pr)
intra/mur/al (a) taking place within the same walls; as, intramural sports
intra/state (a) taking place within the same state; as, intrastate laws
intro/spect (v) to look within or into; to examine one's own mind

JECT to throw; to cast
e/ject (v) to throw out; to remove; as, to eject a rowdy customer
in/ject (v) to throw or drive something into something else; as, to inject a fluid, an idea, etc.
pro/ject (v) to shoot or throw something forward; as, to project a picture on a screen; (n) something brought forward for the purpose of viewing; as, a class project
re/ject (v) to throw back; to refuse to accept; as, most people reject the opinions put forth by astrologists; (n) something that has been refused to be accepted; as, a factory reject

KILO a thousand; characterized by a thousand (Gr-R)
kilo/gram (n) a metric measure of weight equal to one thousand grams
kilo/liter (n) a metric measure of volume containing one thousand liters
kilo/meter (n) a measure of length equal to one thousand meters' approximately five-eighths of a mile
kilo/ton (n) a unit of weight equivalent to one thousand tons or 2,000,000 pounds; an explosive force equal to one thousand tons of TNT