Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Whole Wheat Bread

Makes 2 loaves
5.5 to 6 cups unsifted white flour
2 cups unsifted whole wheat flour
3 tablespoons sugar
4 teaspoons salt
2 packages Fleischmann's Active Dry Yeast
2 cups milk
3/4 cup water
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) Fleischmann's Margarine Planters Peanut Oil

Combine flours. In a large bowl thoroughly mix 2.5 cups flour mixture, sugar, salt, and undissolved Fleischmann's Active Dry Yeast.

Combine milk, water, and Fleischmann's Margarine in a saucepan. Heat over low heat until liquids are very warm (120'F - 130'F). Margarine does not need to melt. Gradually add to dry ingredients and beat 2 minutes at medium speed of electric mixer, scraping bowl occasionally. Add 1 cup flour mixture. Beat at high speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally. Stir in enough additional flour mixture to make a stiff dough. Turn out onto lightly floured board and knead until smooth and elastic, about 8 to 10 minutes. Cover with plastic wrap, then a towel. Let rest 20 minutes.

Divide dough in half. Roll each half to a 14 x 9-inch rectangle. Shape into loaves. Place in 2 greased 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pans. Brush loaves with Planters Peanut Oil and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate 2 to 24 hours.

When ready to bake, remove from refrigerator. Uncover dough carefully. let stand at room temperature 10 minutes. Puncture any gas bubbles which many have formed with a greased toothpick or metal skewer.

Bake at 400'F. about 40 minutes, or until done. Remove from pans and cool on wire racks.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Word Cells: Unit 7

FORE- before in time or place (OE-Pr)
fore/cast (v) to predict; as, to forecast the weather; (n) a prediction
fore/father (n) an ancestor; as, our forefathers did much for our country
fore/leg (n) a front leg; the opposite of hind-leg

GEE, GEO the earth (Gr-R)
apo/gee (n) the point in an earth satellite's orbit when it is at the greatest distance from the earth's center; opposite of perigee
geo/graphy (n) the study of the earth's surface, people, products, etc.
geo/logy (n) the science dealing with the earth's structure and history
geo/metry (n) the science dealing with the measurements and properties of solids, surfaces, angles, and lines

HECTO a hundred; characterized by a hundred (Gr-R)
hecto/gram (n) a metric measure of weight equal to one hundred grams
hecto/liter (n) a metric measure of volume containing one hundred liters
hecto/meter (n) a measure of length equal to one hundred meters; 328.1 feet

HEM, HEMO, EMIA blood (Gr-R)
hem/al (a) of or pertaining to blood or blood vessels
hemo/rrhage (n) a discharge of blood from a ruptured blood vessel
an/emia (n) a physical condition in which the blood lacks red blood cells
leuk/emia (n) a physical condition in which the white cells destroy the red
tox/emia (n) a physical condition in which there is evidence of poisonous matter in the blood

HEMI- half (Gr-Pr)
hemi/demi/semi/quaver (n) in music, a sixty-fourth note
hemi/sphere (n) the half of a sphere or ball; one of the halves of the earth as divided by the equator into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, or by the prime meridian into the Eastern and Westrn Hemispheres

HEPT, HEPTA seven (Gr-R)
hept/archy (n) a government ruled by seven people
hepta/gon (n) a plane geometric figure of seven sides and seven angles
hepta/hedron (n) a solid geometric figure bounded by seven surfaces or seats

HEX, HEXA six (Gr-R)
hex/ang/ular (a) having six angles or corners, as does a hexagon
hexa/gon (n) a plane geometric figure of six sides and six angles
hexa/hedron (n) a solid geometri figure bounded by six surfaces or seats

Word Cells: Unit 6

DI-, DIA- across; through (Gr-L-Pr)
di/orama (n) a representation of figures, scenes, etc., giving a three-dimensional effect
dia/gon/al (a) extending from one corner to the opposite corner; as, diagonal lines; (n) a diagonal plane or straight line
dia/meter (n) the length of a straight line through the center of a plane or solid figure; as, the diameter of a circle

DICT to say; to speak; to tell; word or words (L-R)
bene/dict/ion (n) the act of blessing or wishing well; as, a Papal benediction
contra/dict (v) to say the opposite of what has been said by someone else; as, the opposition contradicted every statement that was made
dict/ator (n) one who has the highest authority, particularly in government; as, Hitler and Mussolini were dictators
male/dict/ion (n) a prayer for harm to come upon a person or persons; to curse
ver/dict (n) the decision of a jury; literally, a truthful expression of opinion

DUCE, DUCT to lead
pro/duce (v) to bring forth; as, the farmer produces crops; (n) that which is brought forth; as, the farmer brought his produce to market
ab/duct (v) to carry away forcefully; to kidnap; as, to abduct a child

E-, EX- out or out of; from; former (Gr-L-Pr)
e/rupt (v) to burst or beak out; as, the volcano was about to erupt
ex/mayor (n) the former mayor
ex/port (v) to send to another place or country; as, to export goods; (n) that which is exported or sent out of; as, in order for a nation to prosper, its exports must exceed its imports; (a) pertaining to exportation; as, export goods, trade, etc.

-ET, -ETTA, -ETTE, -ETTO, -EL, -ELLA, -LET small; a group; having or showing the quality of (L-Ital_Fr_Suff) (n-a)
du/et (n) a musical piece for two performers
coron/net (n) a small crown; as, the prince wore a coronet
oper/etta (n) a light and amusing musical-dramatic work; a 'small opera'
cigar/ette (n) literally, a small cigar
libr/etto (n) a small book containing the words of an opera
nov/el (n) a fictitious writing dealing with human experience; as, a western novel; (a) new; recent; unusual; as, a novel idea
umbr/ella (n) a ilght portable covering carried as protection against the sun or rain; literally, a small shadow; compare parasol
book/let (n) a small book

Monday, January 5, 2009

Word Cells: Unit 5

CRACY, CRAT, CRATIC rule; government; power (Gr-R)
auto/cracy (n) government by an individual who has complete power
demo/cracy (n) government by the people; literally, people rule
aristo/crat (n) one of a ruling class who is a person of rank; a noble
pluto/cat (n) one who has power or influence because he is wealthy
theo/crat (n) one who is in favor of having divine law regulate civil affairs
auto/cratic (a) ruling with unlimited or complete power; absolute authority

CRED, CREDIT belief; trust; faith (L-R)
cred/ible (a) capable of being believed; as, the author's story was credible
credit/or (n) one to whome money is owed; opposite of debtor

DE- to remove or undo; away from (L-Pr)
de/capit/ate (v) to remove the head; as, many aristocrats were decapitated during the time of the French Revolution
de/duct (v) to take away an amount from a total; as, to deduct 5 from 10
de/hydr/ate (v) to remove water from; as, to dehydrate eggs, milk, etc., thus converting them into a powdered state for later consumption

DEC, DECA, DECEM, DECI, DECIM, DECU ten; a tenth part (Gr-L-R)
dec/ade (n) a period of ten years; as, there are ten decadesin a century; a group of ten; as, the decades in a rosary
dec/athlon (n) an athletic contest in which the contestants must take part in ten different events; compare pentathlon
deca/gon (n) a plane geometric figure of ten sides and ten angles
deca/gram (n) a metric measure of weight equal to ten grams
deca/hedron (n) a solid geometric figure bounded by ten surfaces or seats
deca/liter (n) a metric measure of volume containing ten liters
Deca/logue (n) the Ten Commandments which God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai
deca/meter (n) a measure of length equal to ten meters; 32.81 feet
Decem/ber (n) the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar (Pope Gregory), and teh tenth month of the Julian calendar (Julius Caesar)
deci/gram (n) a metric measure of weight equal to one-tenth of a gram
deci/liter (n) a metric measure of volume equal to one0tenth of a liter
deci/meter (n) a measure of length equal to one-tenth of a meter; 3.937"
decim/al (n) a number given in the scale of tens; as, a decimal fraction; (a) of or pertaining to ten or a scale of ten
decim/ate (v) to destroy or take a tenth part of; as, the conquerors decimated their captives; to destroy a large portion of; as, to decimate a city by means of bombardment
decu/ple (a) tenfold; consisting of ten; (n) a number, ten times repeated; (v) to increase tenfold; as, if 5 were decupled, the product would be 50
decillion (n) the number named by a unit with thirty-three zeros after it; 1000 nonillions; 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Word Cells: Unit 4

CENT, CENTI, CENTU a hundred; a hundredth part (L-R)
cent/en/arian (a) of or pertaining to one hundred years, or to one who is one hundred years old; (n) one who is one hundred years old or older
cent/ennial (a) lasting for or consisting of one hundred years; as, a centennial war, a centennial celebration, etc.; (n) the one hundredth anniversary of an event; as, the centennial of the Pilgrim's landing at Plymouth Rock
per/cent/age (n) that part of a whole thing as expressed in terms of so many or so much per hundred; as, a large percentage of the animals died during the storm
cent (n) the one-hundredth part of a basic monetary unit; as, one hundred cents make up a U.S. dollar; one hundred centesimiequal an Italian lira; one hundred centavos equal a Mexican peso; one hundred centimes are needed to equal a French franc
centi/grade (a) consisting of one hundred degrees, or having one hundred equal divisions; as, a centigrade thermometer; compare Fahrenheit
centi/gram (n) a metric measure of weight equal to one-hundredth of a gram
centi/liter (n) a metric measure of volume equal to one-hundredth of a liter
centi/meter (n) a measure of length equal to one-hundredth of a meter; .3937"
centu/ple (a) a hundredfold; (v) to multiply by one hundred

chron/ic (a) of or pertaining to time; remaining for a long time; as, a chronic headache, fever, etc.; (n) a chronic patient
syn/chron/ize (v) to set at the same time; as, the soliders synchronized their watches so they would attack as a unit
chrono/logical (a) in order of when things took place in time; as, the historical events were placed in chronological order; compare alphabetical, numerical, and size orders
chrono/meter (n) a very accurate instrument for measuring time, as is the chronometer at the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington D.C.
chrono/logy (n) the science that deals with the placement of dates, events, etc., in their proper order in time

CO-, COL-, COM-, CON-, COR- with; together; jointly (L-Pr)
co/oper/ate (v) to work together in some task; as, the scientists co-operated in their research
col/lab/or/ate (v) to work together, especially in some scientific or literary pursuit; as, the newspaper staff collaborated in an effort to produce a good biweekly
com/mot/ion (n) a great movement or disturbance; as, the commotion at the meeting was audible in the street below
con/cur (v) to agree on some matter; as, following the autopsy, the doctos did not concur as to the cause of death
cor/rode (v) to be slowly eaten away by rust, the action of acids, etc; as, certain metals tend to corrode more rapidly in damp areas

Word Cells: Unit 3

AUT, AUTH, AUTO of, by, or for oneself; self-propelled (Gr-R)
aut/opsy (n) an examination to determine the cause of death; literally, seeing with one's own eyes the cause of death; a post-mortem
auth/or (n) the original writer or a book, document, story, etc.
auto/bio/graphy (n) an account of one's life written by himself; compare biography
auto/mobile (n) a vehicle, once started, 'moves by itself'; (a) pertaining to an automobile or automobiles; as, an automobile plant; (v) to ride in or drive an automobile; as, to automobile out West

BI-, BIN-, BIS- two; twice; double (L-Pr)
bi/annu/al (a) taking place twice a year; as, a biannual crop; semiannual
bi/camer/al (a) made up of two chambers, as is the Congress of the United States (Senate and House of Representatives), and also the British Parliament (House of Commons and House of Lords)
bi/cent/ennial (a) lasting for, consisting of, or taking place every two hundred years; as, a bicentennial celebration; (n) the two-hundredth anniversary of an event; as, in 1976 the United States celebrated its bicentennial (1776-1976)
bi/ennial (a) lasting for two years; as, a biennial war; taking place once in two years; as, a biennial election; (n) anything that occurs or appears once in two years; as a, a biennial plant
bi/foc/al/s (n) glasses having one part that corrects for viewing distant objects and another part that corrects for viewing close objects
bi/gamy (n) marrying someone while already married to someone else; compare monogamy and polygamy
bi/lingu/al (a) of or pertaining to two languages; using two languages; as, Belgium is a bilingual country (French and Flemish), as is also Canada (English and French)
bi/ped (n) a two-footed animal, as is man; (a) being two-footed
bi/plane (n) a two-winged airplane; compare monoplane and triplane
bi/pod (n) a two-legged support, as those used to support machine guns
bi/sect (v) to cut or to divide into two parts; in geometry, into two equal parts; as, to bisect an angle
bi/week/ly (a) taking place once in two weeks, or two times a week; (n) a biweekly publication; (adv) once every two weeks
bin/ocul/ar (a) pertaining to two eyes; as, man has binocular vision; (n) a binocular instrument; as, field glass, opera glasses, etc.; compare monocular and multocular
bis/cuit (n) something that has been cooked twice; compare the Italian (biscotto) and the German (zwieback)
billion (n) the number named by a unit with nine zeros after it; 1000 millions; 1,000,000,000

BI, BIO, BIOUS life; living (Gr-R)
bi/opsy (n) in medicine, the examination of a piece of living tissue, generally through a microscope
bio/graphy (n) an account of one's life written by someone else
bio/logy (n) the science dealing with life and living organisms
amphi/bious (a) capable of living in water or on land, as frogs, beavers, etc.

Word Cells: Unit 2

ANTE- before; in front of (L-Pr)
ante/cede (v) to go before in time, order, or place; to precede; as, the letter b antecedes the letter c in the alphabet
ante/meri/di/an (a) literally, that which comes before the middle of the day; A.M.

AQU, AQUA, AQUE water (L-R)
aqu/arium (n) a place where water plants or animals are kept for the purpose of study or display; compare terrarium
aqua/lung (n) a tank used by divers so that they can breathe underwater
aque/duct (n) a man-made channel used to carry water from a distance, as those used by the ancient Romans to transport water to the cities and towns

-ARIUM, -ARY, -ERY, -ORIUM, -ORY place of or for; belonging to or connected with; of the nature of (L-ME-OF-Suff) (a-n)
sol/arium (n) a room or place exposed to the sun's rays; as, hospital sun rooms; greenhouses could be viewed as plant solariums
terr/arium (n) a place where land animals are kept for the purpose of study or display; compare aquarium
con/tempor/ary (a) living at the same time; of the same period; as, contemporary ideas, furniture, etc.; (n) persons who live at the same time; as, Lee, Grant, and Lincoln were contemporaries
libr/ary (n) a place in which books are kept for public use
bak/ery (n) a place where bread, pastry, etc., are baked
sanat/orium (n) an institution which provides for the care of invalids
lavat/ory (n) a washroom; (a) a cleansing by means of washing

ASTER, ASTR, ASTRO star or stars (Gr-R)
aster/oid (n) the name given to the many planetoids between Jupiter and Mars; (a) star-like; like an aster
astr/al (a) of or pertaining to the stars; as, astral beams, forms, etc.
astro/logy (n) the study of the supposed influence of the stars and planets on the lives and behavior of humans; based on the twelve signs of the Zodiac; a pseudo or false science
astro/naut (n) the pilot of a spaceship; literally, one who travels amongst the stars; compare cosmonaut
astro/nomy (n) the scientific study of the heavenly bodies

AUD, AUDIO, AUDIT to hear (L-R))
aud/ible (a) capable of being heard; as, the radio was barely audible
audio/meter (n) an instrument that measures how well one hears
audio/visu/al (a) of or pertaining to hearing and sight; as, television is both audio and visual, whereas radio is only audio
audit/orium (n) a closed-in place where people gather to listen

Word Cells: Unit 1

A-, AB-, ABS- away; from; off (L-Pr)
a/vert (v) to turn away or aside from; as, to avert an accident
ab/norm/al (a) different from that which is considered normal or average; as, abnormal behavior, temperature, etc.
abs/tain (v) to voluntarily refrain from doing something; as, to abstain from drinking, smoking, gambling, etc.

A-, AN- not; without (Gr-Pr)
a/pathy (n) showing indifference or lack of concern; as, he displayed apathy toward those who were suffering
a/the/ist (n) one who does not believe in the existence of a God
an/archy (n) without rule; complete absence of government ; as, the rebels were leading their country into a state of anarchy
an/esthesia (a) nameless; authorless; as, an anonymous letter, author, etc.

ACR, ACRO high; height; topmost (Gr-R)
acr/onym (n) a word resulting from the beginning letter or letters of a compound term; as, "snafu" (situation normal, all fouled up)
acro/bat (n) one skilled in performing gymnastic feats; 'to go high'
acro/phobia (n) an abnormal fear of great heights or high places
acro/polis (n) the high part of an ancient Greek city, fortified so as to protect the main part of the city below; as, the Acropolis in Athens, Greece

ALT, ALTI high; height (L-R)
alt/ar (n) a raised structure used for worship; as, a church altar
alti/meter (n) an instrument used for measuring heights or altitudes
alti/tude (n) the height of an object when compared to a given level, generally, sea level; as the plane's altitude decreased as it approached mountains country

AMBI both (L-R)
ambi/dextr/ous (a) using both hands with equal ability; as, some athletes perform better because they are ambidextrous
ambi/valent (a) experiencing affection and hostility at the same time for someone; as, the man was ambivalent toward his mother-in-law
ambi/vert (n) one who finds satisfaction both within himself and the outside world; compare extrovert and introvert

ANT-, ANTI- against; opposite (Gr-Pr)
ant/onym (n) a word directly opposite to another in meaning; as, hot and cold, short and tall, etc.; compare homonym and synonym
anti/pathy (n) a feeling of dislike or aversion; as, an antipathy to worms; an antipathy to an offensive person; opposite of sympathy

Saturday, January 3, 2009

ျမန္မာျပည္မွ လူရိုင္းေခါင္းတံဆိပ္ (အထုပ္ပါကင္ မိုးျပာေရာင္)
အက္ဂါ အက္ဂါ ဂ်ယ္လီမွဳန္႕ - ၂ထုပ္
အုန္းသီးစိမ္း - ၂ လံုး
သၾကား - မက္ခြက္ႏွင့္ ၁ ခြက္

၁။ အုန္းစိမ္းရည္ကို အရင္ခ်ိန္ပါ။ (၆)ခြက္မျပည့္လွ်င္ ျပည့္ေအာင္ေရေရာပါ။ အုန္းသီးအသားကိုျခစ္ယူ၍ ပါးပါးလွီးပါ။
၂။ ဂ်ယ္လီမွဳန္႕ (၂)ထုပ္ေဖာက္ထည့္၍ သမေအာင္ေမႊၿပီး ဆူသည္အထိ က်ိဳပါ။ ဆူလာလွ်င္ နာနာေမႊ၍ အုန္းသီးအသားကို ေရာက်ိဳလုိက္ပါ။ ၿပီးလွ်င္ ဘန္းထဲသို႕ ေလာင္းထည့္၍ အေအးခံပါ။

ေရႊၾကည္မွဳန္႕ - ၁ဘူး (အုန္းႏို႕ဘူးႏွင့္ခ်ိန္ရန္)
အုန္းႏို႕ - ၂ဘူး
ႏို႕စိမ္း - ၂ဘူး
သၾကား - ၂ဇြန္း
သၾကား (သၾကားအညိဳျဖင့္လည္းအသံုးျပဳႏိုင္ပါသည္)

၁။ ေရႊၾကည္မွဳန္႕ကို အနီေရာင္သန္းလာသည္အထိ ေလွာ္ေပးပါ။
၂။ က်န္ေသာ ပါ၀င္သည့္ပစၥည္းမ်ားကို ေရာၿပီး သမေအာင္ေမႊ၍ မီးဖိုေပၚတင္ၿပီး ေရႊၾကည္ပြလာသည္အထိ က်ိဳပါ။ မတူးေအာင္ သတိထားပါ။
၃။ ဖုတ္မည့္ဘန္းမ်က္ႏွာျပင္ကို ေထာပတ္ဆီ ခပ္ထူထူသုတ္ပါ။ က်ိဳၿပီးသာေရႊၾကည္ကို ေလာင္းထည့္ၿပီး မ်က္ႏွာျပင္ညွိ၍ ဘိန္းေစံျဖဴးပါ။ အေပၚမီး ေအာက္မီးႏွင့္ဖုတ္ပါ။
(ၾကက္ဥ (၅)လံုး၊ ႏြားႏို႕ (၁)ခြက္ ထည့္က်ိဳလွ်င္ မုန္႕ပိုပြလာသည္။ နာနာေခါက္ၿပီးမွထည့္ရန္။)

ၾကက္ဥ (အကာမပါ) အႏွစ္ - အလံုး ၃၀
ႏို႕ဆီ - ၁ဘူး (သို႕) ၁.၅ ဘူး
ႏို႕စိမ္း - ၂ဘူး

ပါ၀င္ေသာပစၥည္းမ်ားကို အားလံုးေရာၿပီး သမေအာင္နာနာေမႊပါ။ ေထာပတ္ခပ္ထူထူ သုပ္ထားေသာ ဘန္းထဲသို႕ ေလာင္းထည့္၍ မ်က္ႏွာျပင္နီလာသည္အထိ အေပၚမီး ေအာက္မီးႏွင့္ ဖုတ္ပါ။ ေအာက္ဘက္မတူးေစရန္ ပူတင္းဘန္းထက္ႀကီးေသာ ဘန္းတစ္ခုထဲတြင္ ေအာက္ခံေရအနည္းငယ္ထည့္၍ ဖုတ္လွ်င္ ပိုအဆင္ေျပပါသည္။

Knox Gelatine - ၁၂ ထုပ္
ႏြားႏို႕ (၈) ေအာင္စ - ၁ခြက္
ႏို႕ဆီ - ၁.၅ဘူး
ႏို႕စိမ္း - ၂ဘူး
အုန္းႏို႕ - ၂ဘူး
Panada အနံ႕အစိမ္းေရာင္ - ဘူးတစ္၀က္

အားလံုးကိုသမေအာင္ေမႊၿပီး က်ိဳပါ။ က်ိဳေနစဥ္ မီးသိပ္မျပင္းပါႏွင့္၊ အဆက္မျပတ္ေမႊပါ။ မတူးေအာင္သတိထားပါ။ ပြက္ပြက္ဆူလာလွ်င္ ဘန္းထဲသို႕ ေလာင္းထည့္ပါ။ အေအးခံပါ။

ပေလာပီနံျခစ္ၿပီးသား - ၂ထုပ္
Young Coconut အုန္းသီးမွဳန္႕ - ၁ထုပ္
ႏို႕ဆီ - ၁လံုး
အုန္းႏို႕ - ၁ဘူး
ၾကက္ဥ - ၃လံုး
သၾကားလိုသေလာက္ - ၂ခြက္ (ႏို႕ဆီထည့္လွ်င္ သၾကားထည့္စရာမလို)

ေထာပတ္နည္းနည္း၊ ဆားနည္းနည္းျဖင့္ သမေအာင္ေမႊ၍ ေထာပတ္ဆီသုတ္ထားေသာ ဘန္းထဲသို႕ေလာင္းထည့္ၿပီး အေပၚမီး ေအာက္မီးႏွင့္ ဖုတ္ပါ။ (ၾကက္ဥ ၂လံုးထည့္ေမႊပါ။) ၾကက္ဥမထည့္လွ်င္ စီးစီးေလးစားႏိုင္သည္။ ၾကက္ဥထည့္လွ်င္ ပြသည္။


သာကူေစ့ - ၁ ထုပ္
သၾကား - ၁.၅ ခြက္
Knox အမွဳန္႕ - ၄ ထုပ္
အုန္းႏို႕ - ၂ ဘူး

၁။ မတ္ခြက္(၈) ေအာင္စခြက္ႏွင့္ ေရ(၅)ခြက္ကို Knox အမွဳန္႕ (၂) ထုပ္ႏွင့္ေရာ၍ဆူေအာင္က်ိဳပါ။ ေရဆူလွ်င္ သာကူေစ့ကိုေဖာက္၍ သၾကားႏွင့္က်ိဳပ္။ ေမႊပါ။
၂။ မ်က္ဆံအနည္းငယ္က်က္လွ်င္ ဘန္းထဲသို႕ေလာင္းထည့္၍ မ်က္ႏွာျပင္ ညီေအာင္ညွိလိုက္ပါ။
၃။ အုန္းႏို႕ (၂) ဘူးကိုေဖာက္၍ သၾကားအနည္းငယ္၊ ဆားအနည္းငယ္ ထည့္၍က်ိဳပါ။ ပြက္ပြက္ဆူလာလွ်င္ သာကူမ်က္ႏွာျပင္ေပၚသို႕ ေလာင္းခ်၍ အုန္းႏို႕မ်က္ႏွာျပင္ေပၚသို႕ သၾကားအနည္းငယ္ေတာက္ၿပီး အေပၚမီးႏွင့္ ခဏမီးျပလိုက္ပါ။ သၾကားစက္ေလးမ်ား တူးေရာင္ေပၚလာလွ်င္ ၿပီးပါၿပီ။

သီးေမႊးငွက္ေပ်ာသီး - ၁၀လံုး
သၾကား - ၁.၅ ခြက္
ဆန္မွဳန္႕ - ၁ ခြက္
လိပ္ျပာတံဆိပ္ PANDA ငွက္ေပ်ာဆီလိုသေလာက္
အုန္းႏို႕ - ၁ ဘူး

အားလံုးသမေအာင္ ေရာေမႊ၍ ဆီသုတ္ထားေသာ ဘန္းထဲသို႕ ေလာင္းထည့္၍ဖုတ္ပါ။ မ်က္ႏွာျပင္ကိုဘိန္းေစ့ျဖဴးပါ။

ဂ်ံဳ - ၁ ခြက္ (၈-ေအာင္စခြက္) (ဆန္မွဳန္႕ႏွင့္လည္း အသံုးျပဳႏိုင္ပါသည္။)
ေရ - ၂ ခြက္
Brown Sugar - ၁ ခြက္
(ျပာရည္) ဇြန္းႀကီး - ၁ ဇြန္း

ေရာေမႊ၍ ဘန္းထဲသို႕ေလာင္းထည္းၿပီး ေပါင္းအိုးႏွင့္ ေပါင္းပါ။

Pizza Dough

3/4 c. warm water (not hot)
2 c. flour (approx.)
2 T. oil
1 1/2 t. yeast
1 t. salt

1. Put warm water in large bowl and add yeast, stir gently until yeast is dissolved. Add salt and 1 c. of the flour, stir until flour is absorbed. Add oil, stirring until it is completely blended, add second cup of flour, mix until dough becomes a soft mass.
2. Turn dough out on a floured surface and knead for about 5 minutes, using the heel of hand until the dough is smooth and elastic (add a sprinkling of flour on hands or surface if dough gets sticky. Roll dough into a ball, place in greased bowl, turning it to give the ball of dough a light coating. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise until double in bulk.
3. Punch dough down and knead it for about a minute. Pat evenly into a well greased pizza pan, bake 10 minutes at 400 degrees. Add desired toppings. Bake 22 minutes at 400 degrees.

Berry Banana Smoothie

Make 2 Servings

1 small banana, peeled, cut up, and frozen
1/4 cup fresh or frozen assorted berries (such as raspberries, blackberries, and/or strawberries)
1 cup orange juice
3 tablespoons vanilla low-fat yogurt
Fresh mint (optional)
Fresh berries (optional)

1. In a blender container combine the frozen banana pieces, desired fresh or frozen berries, orange juice, and yogurt. Cover and blend until smooth. To serve, pour into glasses. If desired, garnish with fresh mint and additional berries. Makes 2 (8-ounce) servings.

Test Kitchen Tip: Keep frozen bananas on hand by placing peeled, cut-up, ripe bananas in a freezer container or plastic bag. Use the frozen banana pieces right from the freezer for this fruity shake.

Nutritional Information
calories: 121, total fat: 1g, saturated fat: 0g, cholesterol: 2mg, sodium: 18mg, carbohydrate: 28g, fiber: 2g, protein: 2g, vitamin A: 3%, vitamin C: 116%, calcium 6%, iron: 3%

Blueberry Yogurt Shake

Make 4 Servings

2 cup yogurt, plain
1/2 cup orange juice freshly squeezed
1 cup blueberries, fresh; rinsed
1 banana; very ripe

Combine all ingredients in a blender. Blend on medium speed until smooth and frothy. Pour into glasses and serve.

Apple-Apricot Smoothie

Make 2 Servings

1 apple, golden delicious peeled, cored & chopped
1 cup apple juice
4 apricots, fresh; pitted, skin optional
1 banana; peeled
3/4 cup yogurt, plain
ice cubes, up to 12 cubes
1 tablespoon hooney

Place all ingredients in a blender and pure until smooth.

Puffy Omelet

Prep: 15 min: Bake: 15 min * 2 servings

After beating the egg whites, you can use the same beaters--without washing them--to beat the egg yolks.

4 large eggs, separated
1/4 cup water
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon butter or stick margarine
Italian Tomato Sauce, salsa or spaghetti sauce, heated, if desired

1. Heat oven to 325 degrees.
2. Beat egg whites, water and salt in medium bowl with electric mixer on high speed until stiff but not dry. Beat egg yolks and pepper on high speed about 3 minutes or until very thick and lemon colored. Fold egg yolks into egg whites.
3. Melt butter in 10-inch ovenproof skillet over medium heat. As butter melts, tilt skillet to coat bottom. Pour egg mixture into skillet. Gently level surface; reduce heat to low. Cook about 5 minutes or until puffy and bottom is light brown. (Carefully life omelet at edge to judge color.)
4. Bake uncovered 12 to 15 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out clean.
5. Tilt skillet and slip pancake turner or metal spatula under omelet to loosen. Fold omelet in half, being careful not to break it. Slip onto warm serving plate. Serve with Italian Tomato Sauce.

1 Serving: Calories 180 (Calories from Fat 125); Fat 14g (Saturated 4g); Cholesterol 425mg; Sodium 470mg; Carbohydrate 1g (Dietary Fiber 0g); Protein 13g % Daily Value: Vitamin A 18%; Vitamin C 0%; Calcium 4%; Iron 6% Diet Exchanges: 2 Medium-Fat Meat, 1/2 Fat.


1/2 c. butter or margarine, softened
1/2 c. shortening
1 1/2 c. sugar
2 eggs
2 3/4 c. flour
2 t. cream of tartar
1 t. baking soda
1/4 t. salt
2 T. sugar
2 t. cinnamon

1. Preheat to 400 degrees.
2. Cream together the butter, shortening and sugar and beat until smooth.
3. Add the eggs, mix for 15 seconds.
4. In another bowl, combine the flour, cream of tartar, baking soda, and salt.
5. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix well.
6. Roll the dough into 1" balls.
7. Mix 2 T. sugar and the cinnamon.
8. Roll the balls into the sugar-cinnamon mixture.
9. Place the balls 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet.
10. Bake 8-10 minutes or until set.
11. Immediately remove from cookie sheet and place on cooling racks.

Yield 50 cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 1/4 cup all purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1 cup (2 stick) butter
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 large eggs
2 cups chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375'. Combine flour, baking soda, and salt in a small bowl. Beat butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla extract in a large mixer bowl until creamy. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Gradually beat in the flour mixture. Stir in chocolate chips. Drop by rounded tablespoon onto ungreased baking sheets. Bake for 9-11 minutes. Let stand 2 minutes to cool completely. Yield: 60 cookies.

Basic Muffins

1 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 beaten egg
3/4 cup milk
1/3 cup cooking oil

Oven 400'

In a large mixing bowl stir together the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Make a well in the center. Combine egg, milk, and oil. Add egg mixture all at once to flour mixture. Stir just till moistened; batter should be lumpy. Grease muffin cups or line with paper bake cups; fill 2/3 full. Bake in a 400' oven for 20 to 25 minutes or till golden. Remove from pans; serve warm. Make 10 to 12 muffins.

Vanilla Pudding

10 min: Cook: 10 min: Chill: 1hr * 4 servings

1/3 cup sugar

2 tablespoons cornstarch
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 cups milk
2 large egg yolks, slightly beaten
2 tablespoons butter or stick margarine, softened*
2 teaspoons vanilla

1.Mix sugar, cornstarch and salt in 2-quart saucepan. Gradually stir in milk. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens and boils. Boil and stir 1 minute.
2.Gradually stir at least half of the hot mixture into egg yolks, then stir back into hot mixture in saucepan. Boil and stir 1 minute; remove from heat. Stir in butter and vanilla.
3.Pour pudding into dessert dishes. Cover and refrigerate about 1 hour or until chilled. Store covered in refrigerator.

Spreads with at least 65% vegetable oil can be used.

1 Serving: Calories 230 (Calories from Fat 100); Fat 11 g (Saturated 6g); Cholesterol 130 mg; Sodium 180 mg; Carbohydrate 27g (Dietary Fiber 0g); Protein 6g % Daily Value: Vitamin A 14%; Vitamin C 0%; Calcium 16%; Iron 2% Diet Exchanges: 1 Fruit, 1 1/2 Fat, 1 Milk

BUTTERSCOTCH PUDDING: Substitute 2/3 cup packed brown sugar for the granulated sugar; decrease vanilla to 1 teaspoon.

CHOCOLATE PUDDING: Increase sugar to 1/2 cup; stir 1/3 cup baking cocoa into sugar mixture. Omit butter.
