Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Word Cells: Unit 6

DI-, DIA- across; through (Gr-L-Pr)
di/orama (n) a representation of figures, scenes, etc., giving a three-dimensional effect
dia/gon/al (a) extending from one corner to the opposite corner; as, diagonal lines; (n) a diagonal plane or straight line
dia/meter (n) the length of a straight line through the center of a plane or solid figure; as, the diameter of a circle

DICT to say; to speak; to tell; word or words (L-R)
bene/dict/ion (n) the act of blessing or wishing well; as, a Papal benediction
contra/dict (v) to say the opposite of what has been said by someone else; as, the opposition contradicted every statement that was made
dict/ator (n) one who has the highest authority, particularly in government; as, Hitler and Mussolini were dictators
male/dict/ion (n) a prayer for harm to come upon a person or persons; to curse
ver/dict (n) the decision of a jury; literally, a truthful expression of opinion

DUCE, DUCT to lead
pro/duce (v) to bring forth; as, the farmer produces crops; (n) that which is brought forth; as, the farmer brought his produce to market
ab/duct (v) to carry away forcefully; to kidnap; as, to abduct a child

E-, EX- out or out of; from; former (Gr-L-Pr)
e/rupt (v) to burst or beak out; as, the volcano was about to erupt
ex/mayor (n) the former mayor
ex/port (v) to send to another place or country; as, to export goods; (n) that which is exported or sent out of; as, in order for a nation to prosper, its exports must exceed its imports; (a) pertaining to exportation; as, export goods, trade, etc.

-ET, -ETTA, -ETTE, -ETTO, -EL, -ELLA, -LET small; a group; having or showing the quality of (L-Ital_Fr_Suff) (n-a)
du/et (n) a musical piece for two performers
coron/net (n) a small crown; as, the prince wore a coronet
oper/etta (n) a light and amusing musical-dramatic work; a 'small opera'
cigar/ette (n) literally, a small cigar
libr/etto (n) a small book containing the words of an opera
nov/el (n) a fictitious writing dealing with human experience; as, a western novel; (a) new; recent; unusual; as, a novel idea
umbr/ella (n) a ilght portable covering carried as protection against the sun or rain; literally, a small shadow; compare parasol
book/let (n) a small book