Monday, January 5, 2009
CRACY, CRAT, CRATIC rule; government; power (Gr-R)
auto/cracy (n) government by an individual who has complete power
demo/cracy (n) government by the people; literally, people rule
aristo/crat (n) one of a ruling class who is a person of rank; a noble
pluto/cat (n) one who has power or influence because he is wealthy
theo/crat (n) one who is in favor of having divine law regulate civil affairs
auto/cratic (a) ruling with unlimited or complete power; absolute authority
CRED, CREDIT belief; trust; faith (L-R)
cred/ible (a) capable of being believed; as, the author's story was credible
credit/or (n) one to whome money is owed; opposite of debtor
DE- to remove or undo; away from (L-Pr)
de/capit/ate (v) to remove the head; as, many aristocrats were decapitated during the time of the French Revolution
de/duct (v) to take away an amount from a total; as, to deduct 5 from 10
de/hydr/ate (v) to remove water from; as, to dehydrate eggs, milk, etc., thus converting them into a powdered state for later consumption
DEC, DECA, DECEM, DECI, DECIM, DECU ten; a tenth part (Gr-L-R)
dec/ade (n) a period of ten years; as, there are ten decadesin a century; a group of ten; as, the decades in a rosary
dec/athlon (n) an athletic contest in which the contestants must take part in ten different events; compare pentathlon
deca/gon (n) a plane geometric figure of ten sides and ten angles
deca/gram (n) a metric measure of weight equal to ten grams
deca/hedron (n) a solid geometric figure bounded by ten surfaces or seats
deca/liter (n) a metric measure of volume containing ten liters
Deca/logue (n) the Ten Commandments which God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai
deca/meter (n) a measure of length equal to ten meters; 32.81 feet
Decem/ber (n) the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar (Pope Gregory), and teh tenth month of the Julian calendar (Julius Caesar)
deci/gram (n) a metric measure of weight equal to one-tenth of a gram
deci/liter (n) a metric measure of volume equal to one0tenth of a liter
deci/meter (n) a measure of length equal to one-tenth of a meter; 3.937"
decim/al (n) a number given in the scale of tens; as, a decimal fraction; (a) of or pertaining to ten or a scale of ten
decim/ate (v) to destroy or take a tenth part of; as, the conquerors decimated their captives; to destroy a large portion of; as, to decimate a city by means of bombardment
decu/ple (a) tenfold; consisting of ten; (n) a number, ten times repeated; (v) to increase tenfold; as, if 5 were decupled, the product would be 50
decillion (n) the number named by a unit with thirty-three zeros after it; 1000 nonillions; 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
Labels: Word Cells
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