Sunday, January 4, 2009

Word Cells: Unit 1

A-, AB-, ABS- away; from; off (L-Pr)
a/vert (v) to turn away or aside from; as, to avert an accident
ab/norm/al (a) different from that which is considered normal or average; as, abnormal behavior, temperature, etc.
abs/tain (v) to voluntarily refrain from doing something; as, to abstain from drinking, smoking, gambling, etc.

A-, AN- not; without (Gr-Pr)
a/pathy (n) showing indifference or lack of concern; as, he displayed apathy toward those who were suffering
a/the/ist (n) one who does not believe in the existence of a God
an/archy (n) without rule; complete absence of government ; as, the rebels were leading their country into a state of anarchy
an/esthesia (a) nameless; authorless; as, an anonymous letter, author, etc.

ACR, ACRO high; height; topmost (Gr-R)
acr/onym (n) a word resulting from the beginning letter or letters of a compound term; as, "snafu" (situation normal, all fouled up)
acro/bat (n) one skilled in performing gymnastic feats; 'to go high'
acro/phobia (n) an abnormal fear of great heights or high places
acro/polis (n) the high part of an ancient Greek city, fortified so as to protect the main part of the city below; as, the Acropolis in Athens, Greece

ALT, ALTI high; height (L-R)
alt/ar (n) a raised structure used for worship; as, a church altar
alti/meter (n) an instrument used for measuring heights or altitudes
alti/tude (n) the height of an object when compared to a given level, generally, sea level; as the plane's altitude decreased as it approached mountains country

AMBI both (L-R)
ambi/dextr/ous (a) using both hands with equal ability; as, some athletes perform better because they are ambidextrous
ambi/valent (a) experiencing affection and hostility at the same time for someone; as, the man was ambivalent toward his mother-in-law
ambi/vert (n) one who finds satisfaction both within himself and the outside world; compare extrovert and introvert

ANT-, ANTI- against; opposite (Gr-Pr)
ant/onym (n) a word directly opposite to another in meaning; as, hot and cold, short and tall, etc.; compare homonym and synonym
anti/pathy (n) a feeling of dislike or aversion; as, an antipathy to worms; an antipathy to an offensive person; opposite of sympathy