Tuesday, January 6, 2009
FORE- before in time or place (OE-Pr)
fore/cast (v) to predict; as, to forecast the weather; (n) a prediction
fore/father (n) an ancestor; as, our forefathers did much for our country
fore/leg (n) a front leg; the opposite of hind-leg
GEE, GEO the earth (Gr-R)
apo/gee (n) the point in an earth satellite's orbit when it is at the greatest distance from the earth's center; opposite of perigee
geo/graphy (n) the study of the earth's surface, people, products, etc.
geo/logy (n) the science dealing with the earth's structure and history
geo/metry (n) the science dealing with the measurements and properties of solids, surfaces, angles, and lines
HECTO a hundred; characterized by a hundred (Gr-R)
hecto/gram (n) a metric measure of weight equal to one hundred grams
hecto/liter (n) a metric measure of volume containing one hundred liters
hecto/meter (n) a measure of length equal to one hundred meters; 328.1 feet
HEM, HEMO, EMIA blood (Gr-R)
hem/al (a) of or pertaining to blood or blood vessels
hemo/rrhage (n) a discharge of blood from a ruptured blood vessel
an/emia (n) a physical condition in which the blood lacks red blood cells
leuk/emia (n) a physical condition in which the white cells destroy the red
tox/emia (n) a physical condition in which there is evidence of poisonous matter in the blood
HEMI- half (Gr-Pr)
hemi/demi/semi/quaver (n) in music, a sixty-fourth note
hemi/sphere (n) the half of a sphere or ball; one of the halves of the earth as divided by the equator into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, or by the prime meridian into the Eastern and Westrn Hemispheres
HEPT, HEPTA seven (Gr-R)
hept/archy (n) a government ruled by seven people
hepta/gon (n) a plane geometric figure of seven sides and seven angles
hepta/hedron (n) a solid geometric figure bounded by seven surfaces or seats
HEX, HEXA six (Gr-R)
hex/ang/ular (a) having six angles or corners, as does a hexagon
hexa/gon (n) a plane geometric figure of six sides and six angles
hexa/hedron (n) a solid geometri figure bounded by six surfaces or seats
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