Sunday, January 4, 2009

Word Cells: Unit 3

AUT, AUTH, AUTO of, by, or for oneself; self-propelled (Gr-R)
aut/opsy (n) an examination to determine the cause of death; literally, seeing with one's own eyes the cause of death; a post-mortem
auth/or (n) the original writer or a book, document, story, etc.
auto/bio/graphy (n) an account of one's life written by himself; compare biography
auto/mobile (n) a vehicle, once started, 'moves by itself'; (a) pertaining to an automobile or automobiles; as, an automobile plant; (v) to ride in or drive an automobile; as, to automobile out West

BI-, BIN-, BIS- two; twice; double (L-Pr)
bi/annu/al (a) taking place twice a year; as, a biannual crop; semiannual
bi/camer/al (a) made up of two chambers, as is the Congress of the United States (Senate and House of Representatives), and also the British Parliament (House of Commons and House of Lords)
bi/cent/ennial (a) lasting for, consisting of, or taking place every two hundred years; as, a bicentennial celebration; (n) the two-hundredth anniversary of an event; as, in 1976 the United States celebrated its bicentennial (1776-1976)
bi/ennial (a) lasting for two years; as, a biennial war; taking place once in two years; as, a biennial election; (n) anything that occurs or appears once in two years; as a, a biennial plant
bi/foc/al/s (n) glasses having one part that corrects for viewing distant objects and another part that corrects for viewing close objects
bi/gamy (n) marrying someone while already married to someone else; compare monogamy and polygamy
bi/lingu/al (a) of or pertaining to two languages; using two languages; as, Belgium is a bilingual country (French and Flemish), as is also Canada (English and French)
bi/ped (n) a two-footed animal, as is man; (a) being two-footed
bi/plane (n) a two-winged airplane; compare monoplane and triplane
bi/pod (n) a two-legged support, as those used to support machine guns
bi/sect (v) to cut or to divide into two parts; in geometry, into two equal parts; as, to bisect an angle
bi/week/ly (a) taking place once in two weeks, or two times a week; (n) a biweekly publication; (adv) once every two weeks
bin/ocul/ar (a) pertaining to two eyes; as, man has binocular vision; (n) a binocular instrument; as, field glass, opera glasses, etc.; compare monocular and multocular
bis/cuit (n) something that has been cooked twice; compare the Italian (biscotto) and the German (zwieback)
billion (n) the number named by a unit with nine zeros after it; 1000 millions; 1,000,000,000

BI, BIO, BIOUS life; living (Gr-R)
bi/opsy (n) in medicine, the examination of a piece of living tissue, generally through a microscope
bio/graphy (n) an account of one's life written by someone else
bio/logy (n) the science dealing with life and living organisms
amphi/bious (a) capable of living in water or on land, as frogs, beavers, etc.