Sunday, January 4, 2009

Word Cells: Unit 2

ANTE- before; in front of (L-Pr)
ante/cede (v) to go before in time, order, or place; to precede; as, the letter b antecedes the letter c in the alphabet
ante/meri/di/an (a) literally, that which comes before the middle of the day; A.M.

AQU, AQUA, AQUE water (L-R)
aqu/arium (n) a place where water plants or animals are kept for the purpose of study or display; compare terrarium
aqua/lung (n) a tank used by divers so that they can breathe underwater
aque/duct (n) a man-made channel used to carry water from a distance, as those used by the ancient Romans to transport water to the cities and towns

-ARIUM, -ARY, -ERY, -ORIUM, -ORY place of or for; belonging to or connected with; of the nature of (L-ME-OF-Suff) (a-n)
sol/arium (n) a room or place exposed to the sun's rays; as, hospital sun rooms; greenhouses could be viewed as plant solariums
terr/arium (n) a place where land animals are kept for the purpose of study or display; compare aquarium
con/tempor/ary (a) living at the same time; of the same period; as, contemporary ideas, furniture, etc.; (n) persons who live at the same time; as, Lee, Grant, and Lincoln were contemporaries
libr/ary (n) a place in which books are kept for public use
bak/ery (n) a place where bread, pastry, etc., are baked
sanat/orium (n) an institution which provides for the care of invalids
lavat/ory (n) a washroom; (a) a cleansing by means of washing

ASTER, ASTR, ASTRO star or stars (Gr-R)
aster/oid (n) the name given to the many planetoids between Jupiter and Mars; (a) star-like; like an aster
astr/al (a) of or pertaining to the stars; as, astral beams, forms, etc.
astro/logy (n) the study of the supposed influence of the stars and planets on the lives and behavior of humans; based on the twelve signs of the Zodiac; a pseudo or false science
astro/naut (n) the pilot of a spaceship; literally, one who travels amongst the stars; compare cosmonaut
astro/nomy (n) the scientific study of the heavenly bodies

AUD, AUDIO, AUDIT to hear (L-R))
aud/ible (a) capable of being heard; as, the radio was barely audible
audio/meter (n) an instrument that measures how well one hears
audio/visu/al (a) of or pertaining to hearing and sight; as, television is both audio and visual, whereas radio is only audio
audit/orium (n) a closed-in place where people gather to listen